(Use SimpleText to read and modify this text. Or use a wordprocessor capable of using a mono-spaced font.)
If you want to extend the number of currencies and languages which AmountString can handle, please fill in this questionnaire and email it to me. I can then add the data needed by the external code. After I added your data, you wil receive a beta-version to check its proper working. It may very well be that your language requires a different syntax, please tell me this also.
If your language is already included or if you don't want to have your language included, browse this file anyway. You may get an idea what the external needs to do, and what strange things some languages requires it to do.
Information on how to use the AmountString external is not listed here. It is listed with the stand-alone document 'AmountString ReadMe'.
You may be contacted for more information, please make sure you can be reached by email from Internet. Contributing this data does in no way imply any right on financial compensation or other compensations.
Feel free to ask me if anything is unclear to you!
If you include diacritical characters with your answers then either:
- use two characters to display it: e', u:
- save it as a TeachText/SimpleText document, binhex it and mail that to me.
Please use capitals only when that word needs an uppercase character within the result string. The external will make sure the first character of the result string is a capitalized.
First some information in order to contact you and give you proper credit:
Name: ...
Company: ...
Address: ...
Zipcode: ...
City: ...
Country: ...
Email addresses: ...
using: 4D / HyperCard / both
Which language are you contributing?
In which order are the digits spoken:
(like 'twenty-one' or 'one and twenty' [Dutch: een-en-twintig])
tens first / single digit first
Should the word 'and' be used after thousands?
(like with 'two thousand and twenty-one')
yes / no
Should the word 'and' be used after hundreds?
(like with 'two hundred and twenty-one')
always / never / only with last group of digits not with group before thousands
Should the word 'one' be used before thousands?
(like with 1000: 'one thousand' or just 'thousand')
always / never
Should the word 'one' be used before hundreds?
(like with 100: 'one hundred' or just 'hundred')
always / never
How is the number '1234' handled with your language?
(either 'one thousane, two hundred...' or 'twelve hundred thirty...'
split groups on thousands / use hundreds when possible
What separation to use between words?
(like the space in 'two hundred')
space / dash / none / other: ...
What separator to use between words in a digit combination?
(like the dash in 'twenty-one')
space / dash / none / 'and' / other: ...
What separator to use after thousands?
(like the comma in 'one thousand, two hundred twenty-one')
comma / dash / none / other: ...
What word to use between the unit and minor units?
(like 'and' in 'Dollars and 21 cents')
What word to use for the decimal sign?
(like 'point' in English)
What word to use for the negative sign?
(like 'minus' in English)
The name of the currency (or the names of the currencies)?
singular: ...
plural: ...
The name of the minor units in the currency/currencies?
(like cents as minor units of the Dollar)
singular: ...
plural: ...
When are the plural forms of the unit and minor unit names used?
(like with '321': plural because 321 > 1 or singular because 1 = 1)
whole number greater than one / single digit greater than one / always singular
The number of minor units for the currency?
All names for the digits from 1 to x (where x is the number which can't be composed of other combinations and which do not use some sort of separator ['-', 'and'] between the components)?
(i.e. include fourteen, but not twenty-one)
0 ...
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
etc. ...
All names (singular/plural) of the tenfolds?
10 ...
20 ...
30 ...
40 ...
50 ...
60 ...
70 ...
80 ...
90 ...
The names (singular/plural) for 100 and all names of thousandfolds?
1E02 ...
1E03 ...
1E06 ...
1E09 ...
1E12 ...
When are the plural forms of the value names used?
(like with the value '321000': plural [thousands] because 321 > 1 or
singular [thousand] because 1 = 1)
whole number greater than one / single digit greater than one / always singular
Are there irregularities with certain numbers?
(i.e. with French '95' is written like you would say '80 and 15')
no / yes
if yes, which ones:
value name
... ...
Which (large) countries use this language? And what currency do they use?
Do you have any remarks because the syntax differs significantly from the English and other already implemented currencies and languages? Or if it is similair to one of the languages already implemented, which one?
Please convert the following numbers using your language with the AmountString.
When your currency uses minor units then concatenate '.9999' to the values below.
If the returned text is incorrect then please add the correct text and explain